Sunday, March 31, 2013

Rep. Nadler to Speak at Secular Summit

The Secular Coalition is excited to announce Congressman Jerrold Nadler, as the breakfast keynote speaker at the SCA's Secular Summit & Lobby Day on April 25th! Rep. Nadler (D-NY) is the former chair, and current ranking member of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on the Constitution who, in December 2010 held hearings on taxpayer dollars going directly to pervasively sectarian organizations through the White House Office Faith Based Funding.

The Secular Coalition is expecting to soon announce another member of Congress and a representative from the White House to address participants as well, for the Secular Summit & Lobby Day. There is less than a month left until the big event, so be sure to register now if you haven't already. A student rate of $25 is now available.

SCA Executive Director, Edwina Rogers, met with several House offices this past week to speak about tax issues, including Reps. John Lewis (D-GA) and Dave Reichart (R-WA). She also met with the staffer tasked with faith-based issues in the office of Rep. Mike McIntyre, co-chair of the Congressional Prayer Caucus. The meetings were scheduled in advance of the Ways and Means report on tax reform for charitable and nonprofits, due April 15th to the full committee.

This week the Supreme Court heard two cases on marriage equality. The Secular Coalition for America was out in full force educating people on the issue and sharing information about the SCA and our goals.

Finally, we are proud to announce a new service now available to all of our members: the Morning Read. If you'd like to receive this daily roundup of secular and related news stories click update subscription preferences (link also available at the bottom of this email) and check the box "Morning Links." It's that easy! You can view past issues of the Morning Read and other news updates at Secular News Daily.

Track the past week's most troubling federal and state legislation.

Are you a secular insider? Get the complete picture of what's going on in the secular movement. View this week's Movement Update Agenda or listen to the weekly call here. Or, view all of our newsletters and movement updates.

Register for SCA's Secular Summit & Lobby Day April 24-26 in DC! Can't make it? Support the event with your donation now.

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