Thursday, December 20, 2012

Four Centuries of Secular and Humanistic Judaism

Seminar hosted by Machar: The Washington DC Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism

How did Jewish life become so diverse today? Who were the first Jews to connect with Jewish culture
independent of religion? And how did they lead to Secular Humanistic Judaism?

Friday, February 8 —NO CHARGE, ALL ARE WELCOME
At Silver Spring Civic Building at Veterans Plaza, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring, MD 20910
7:00pm-9:30pm Shabbat Celebration – “Secular Humanistic Judaism & Jewish Tradition”

Saturday, February 9
At Silver Spring Civic Building at Veterans Plaza, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring, MD 20910
I) 9:00am-12:30pm “Judaisms—Enlightenment, Emancipation & Modern Judaisms”
II) 1:30pm-4:30pm “Jewishness: Socialism, Yiddishism, Zionism & Modern Culture”

Sunday, February 10—FREE for Machar members or under 25
At Jewish Primary Day School, 6045 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20011
III) 10:00am-12:30pm Darwin Day: “Still Jewish: Science & Secular/ Humanist Philosophy”

More info:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's Time to Repeal the 2nd Amendment

As a former card-carrying member of the NRA, I like guns.  But the time has come, IMHO, to get rid of this antiquated piece of junk known as the 2nd Amendment.  You don't need an assault rifle (or six) to hunt deer.

I have signed petitions
and, and urge you to do the same.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rabbo Frank Tamburello's Thoughts on the Newtown Tragedy

Rabbi Frank Tamburello is the rabbi of the Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism, the Westchester County, NY affiliate of the Society for Humanistic Judaism.  Below are his thought on the tragedy that recently occurred in Newton, CT:

On behalf of the Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism, I would like to
express my deepest sorrow and solidarity with the families and friends of the victims in
the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. May their memories continue to bless our

Our Jewish tradition tells us that there is nothing considered more sacred than the
preservation of life, and yet everywhere we turn, it seems, we are confronted with
images of violence, death, and destruction.

Our liturgy says “aleynu” - “it is up to us.” It is up to us to take responsibility for creating
a society that is life-affirming, to strive for a world where we can embrace each other in
love, a world where violence is not glorified, but abhorred, a world where differences are
resolved without conflict and with respect for the rights of every human being.

Let us strive for a world where “peace on earth, and goodwill to all” are more than just
trite holiday song lyrics. A world where our children, and all of us, can feel safe and
secure. A world where we see our own face in the face of everyone we meet.

These horrific images, and the brave response to them show us that although suffering
will always be with us, it is within our power to help in the healing process, and to work
to create a better world for all.

We read in Pirke Avot - The Wisdom of the Sages: “Suffering is the stuff of life, and
through suffering, one opens the heart to compassion, the shared pain of living beings.
We withstand our trials by feeling the pain without abandoning the world.
” (V. 4)
It is up to us to light candles against the darkness of the world, and to be alive and truly
present in the project of tikkun olam - the repair of the world.

Rabbi Frank

Ask President Obama to Drop Religious Oath

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has sent a letter to President Obama asking him to reject the way this country politicizes religion. The Constitution, which prescribes the oath in Art. 2, Sect. 1, does not contain the “so help me God” language or require use of a bible. As FFRF has always done before presidential inaugurations, we are asking President Obama to honor the Constitution on Jan. 21 by omitting that religious verbiage from the Oath of Office.

Secular Americans are the fastest growing religious identification demographic in this country. It’s time politicians stop pandering to the religious right and start courting us. Please choose one of the three courses of action listed below.

Click here to read FFRF's letter before you take action. 
Thank you for your help! 

1. Easiest 

Submit a shorter version of this same letter on the White House webform. All you have to do is cut and paste one of the messages below and submit it to:
Copy and paste the following text if you are 30 or younger. 
I write to respectfully ask you to re-examine using religion as a political tool in your second term. This election highlights the country’s rapidly shifting demographics. The electorate’s religious affiliation is changing more quickly than any other metric, including race. In 1990, 8% of Americans were nonreligious. When you were elected in 2008, 15% of Americans identified as nonreligious. Now that number is 20%.

Most strikingly, 1-in-3 Americans under 30 now identify as nonreligious. We, the 30-and-unders, elected you in 2008 and again in 2012. We are the future of this country. And we are tired of our leaders injecting religion into politics. Politicians use religion to pander to their base, but it excludes us.

You called Nov. 5 “the last day that I will ever campaign.” This is a gift. You are beholden to no future constituency. Reach out to secular Americans. In the past, that might have been politically costly. But this recent election shows that it will be politically costly not to reach out to secular America. Use this second term to build a legacy by rejecting the way this country politicizes religion.

You can start on Jan. 21. When you reaffirm your oath, do so in the language the Founders specified in the godless Constitution. Eliminate the religious verbiage and the bible. The “so help me God” tradition violates the Constitution in the act of promising to uphold it. The ritual alienates the demographic that politicians must now rely on.

Use this term to bring secular America into the political conversation, and to forge a legacy worthy of the Founders. Restore the presidential oath and begin divorcing American politics from religion.
Your first inaugural address recognized nonbelievers and expressed a hope “that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve, that … our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.”

The final tribal allegiance is not sex, or race, or sexual orientation. It is religion. Private citizens are free to maintain that allegiance, but it is time our government abandoned it. Please lead us into an era of politics free from religious rhetoric.

Start small. Start by restoring the oath. Our once silent minority will no longer remain silent as politicians trample the document we hold sacred—the Constitution. Honor the oath as you recite it on January 21 and lead us into the new era you promised 4 years ago.

With hope,

Copy and paste the following text if you are 30 or older. 
I write to respectfully ask you to re-examine using religion as a political tool in your second term. This election highlights the country’s rapidly shifting demographics. The electorate’s religious affiliation is changing more quickly than any other metric, including race. In 1990, 8% of Americans were nonreligious. When you were elected in 2008, 15% of Americans identified as nonreligious. Now that number is 20%.

Most strikingly, 1-in-3 Americans under 30 now identify as nonreligious. The 30-and-unders are the future of this country. They and the rest of secular America are tired of our leaders injecting religion into politics. Politicians use religion to pander to their base, but it excludes us.

You called Nov. 5 “the last day that I will ever campaign.” This is a gift. You are beholden to no future constituency. Reach out to secular Americans. In the past, that might have been politically costly. But this recent election shows that it will be politically costly not to reach out to secular America. Use this second term to build a legacy by rejecting the way this country politicizes religion.

You can start on Jan. 21. When you reaffirm your oath, do so in the language the Founders specified in the godless Constitution. Eliminate the religious verbiage and the bible. The “so help me God” tradition violates the Constitution in the act of promising to uphold it. The ritual alienates the demographic that politicians must now rely on.

Use this term to bring secular America into the political conversation, and to forge a legacy worthy of the Founders. Restore the presidential oath and begin divorcing American politics from religion.
Your first inaugural address recognized nonbelievers and expressed a hope “that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve, that … our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.”

The final tribal allegiance is not sex, or race, or sexual orientation. It is religion. Private citizens are free to maintain that allegiance, but it is time our government abandoned it. Please lead us into an era of politics free from religious rhetoric.

Start small. Start by restoring the oath. Our once silent minority will no longer remain silent as politicians trample the document we hold sacred—the Constitution. Honor the oath as you recite it on January 21 and lead us into the new era you promised 4 years ago.

With hope,

2. Easy 

Submit your own message on the White House webform. Use a few FFRF paragraphs to get you started. All you have to do is cut, paste, and add your own words. Then submit your response here:
I write to respectfully ask you to re-examine using religion as a political tool in your second term. This election highlights the country’s rapidly shifting demographics. The electorate’s religious affiliation is changing more quickly than any other metric, including race. In 1990, 8% of Americans were nonreligious. When you were elected in 2008, 15% of Americans identified as nonreligious. Now that number is 20%. Most strikingly, 1-in-3 Americans under 30 now identify as nonreligious. We are tired of our leaders injecting religion into politics. Politicians use religion to pander to their base, but it excludes us.
Please use your second term to build a legacy by rejecting the way this country politicizes religion. You can start on Jan. 21. When you reaffirm your oath, do so in the language of the Founders. Eliminate the religious verbiage. The hand on bible, “so help me God” tradition violates the Constitution in the act of promising to uphold it. The ritual alienates the demographic that politicians must now rely on. Restore the presidential oath and begin divorcing American politics from religion.

3. Best — For those of you with a little time and a bit of drive

Write your own message asking Obama to take a secular oath and start divorcing politics from religion. Feel free to use any of our language. Submit your letter on the White House webform (2500 character limit):
Write to President Obama:
President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Call the White House Comment Line:
(202) 456-1111

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hanukkah for Non-Jews

Humanistic Jews have been celebrating something very similar to HumanLight for quite some time.  Check out this new humanistic holiday.  It's more fun than Kwanzaa!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tell HHS to Follow the Science on Emergency Contraception

One year ago, scientists at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that emergency contraception would be made accessible over-the-counter. The FDA’s reasoning was based on more than decade of medical research that shows emergency contraception is both safe and effective enough for wider public use.

Yet inexplicably, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius exerted her authority and overruled the FDA’s decision, a move that cannot be justified by science or reason.
Sebelius’ disappointing move restricts the ability of women to exert full control over their reproductive systems. It is an established fact that emergency contraception works best when taken within 72 hours. However, those seeking to purchase emergency contraception face many obstacles, including prescription requirements for women under 17, pharmacists who deny prescriptions based on their religious beliefs, and transportation difficulties.

Political leaders should follow scientific evidence where it leads. It’s not too late for Secretary Sebelius to do the right thing. Tell the Secretary to reverse her decision and end restrictions on emergency contraception now!

Click here: