Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Anti-Jewish Crime Wave

Hatemongers have targeted Brooklyn’s Orthodox community with a vicious assault, a string of synagogue thefts and anti-Semitic vandalism targeting synagogues and Jewish neighborhoods.  In the most disturbing incident, a mob of six black teenagers shouting, “Dirty Jew!” and “Dirty kike!” repeatedly bashed Marc Heinberg, 61, as he walked home from temple in Sheepshead Bay on June 15 at 9:15 p.m.

A thief or thieves also swiped seven silver ataras — decorative neckbands worth up to $600 each that are part of Orthodox prayer shawls — from five synagogues in Midwood last week.

And on June 19, vandals armed with a BB gun shot out windows of a dozen cars on Lee Avenue in Williamsburg, while a punk wrote “F--k Jews” in 3-by-3-foot letters at the Kererster synagogue on Berry Street.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Hasidic Extortion

Four Hasidic men were busted yesterday for trying to make a sensational sex-abuse case against a prominent Brooklyn rabbi vanish by intimidating potential witnesses in his upcoming trial.
“No one can engage in this kind of conduct and feel free that, based on prior experience, nothing is going to happen,” said Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes, who’s come under heavy criticism for his handling of cases involving alleged perverts from the ultra-Orthodox community.

“Intimidation of victims and witnesses in sex-abuse cases in the Orthodox community is what has made prosecuting these cases so difficult,” Hynes said.

Abraham Rubin, 48, was charged with offering a $500,000 bribe to a young woman and her boyfriend so they could “basically disappear” and leave the country, after they had accused Rabbi Nechemya Weberman of molesting her during spiritual- counseling sessions when she was 12.

“He has no regard for the system,” Assistant District Attorney Josh Hanshaft said of Rubin. “He thumbed his nose at the system.”

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Atheist Alliance International Condemns Jail Sentence for Alexander Aan

Atheist Alliance International condemns the verdict against Alexander Aan, the Indonesian atheist who was attacked and arrested after posting 'God does not exist' on Facebook.  Alexander Aan was today jailed for two years and six months for blasphemy under Indonesia's criminal code.  He was also fined Rp 100 million (c. US$10,600).

Carlos A. Diaz, President of Atheist Alliance International, said "Alex simply stated his personal view on the topic of religion, yet he now faces years in jail.  This judgement is an affront to the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of conscience. Indonesia's blasphemy laws are archaic, an embarrassment to a country that appears to be striving to join the developed world and should be repealed immediately."

Atheist Alliance International has been running an appeal to assist with Alexander Aan's legal expenses and support his family since he was arrested in January this year.  Donate at (Legal/Support Fund for Alex Aan).

TAKE ACTION: Please contact the Indonesian authorities to condemn Alex Aan's jail sentence and to call for the immediate repeal of Indonesia's blasphemy laws.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sinagogue's Account Used To Launder Money

By JOSH MARGOLIN, The New York Post
Last Updated: 6:04 AM, June 18, 2012
Posted: 1:15 AM, June 18, 2012
In an unholy conspiracy, the bank accounts of the main temple in Borough Park’s Bobov Hasidic community were used as a secret conduit for big-time money-laundering, newly released FBI documents allege.
Convicted con man and religious rat Solomon Dwek told the feds in 2006 that Congregation Shaarei Zion was “used to launder a lot of cash,” FBI records show.
Dwek said the cash was passed through businessman Chaskie Rosenberg, who made headlines in 2003 when he sued MetLife after the company fired him.
“An internal review disclosed Mr. Rosenberg appeared to have violated company policies and procedures involving speculative insurance sales and possible accessory to money-laundering violations,” Dwek told agents.
Dwek was the key player in New Jersey’s biggest political-corruption case ever — a case that helped launch the political career of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the state’s top federal lawman at the time.
Dwek rolled over to save himself from a possible 30-year prison sentence after he was arrested on a $50 million bank fraud.
Dwek, a real-estate swindler, ratted out 15 Orthodox Jews — five rabbis among them.

Read more:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Truth About Psychic Detectives

Psychic detectives seem to be everywhere: on TV, in the news, on cable shows. TV hosts such as Larry King and Montel Williams regularly promote psychic detectives, and many of them claim to find missing persons and solve cases for police and the FBI. It all sounds impressive, but how good is the scientific evidence for their claims? On May 21st, drawing on a decade of personal investigations and case studies, Benjamin Radford, in conversation with Massimo Pigliucci, revealed a side to psychic detectives that you won't see on Medium or Larry King Live.

Click here to watch the video on Center for Inquiry's YouTube page: 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Society for Humanistic Judaism Speaks Out Against School Vouchers

Farmington Hills, MI — The Society for Humanistic Judaism condemns the attempts in this country to fund private schools, especially religious schools, with public funds.  As Humanistic Jews, we recognize that a free and public education is a cornerstone of democracy. Using public funds in the guise of school vouchers, tax credits, and scholarships diverts much needed resources from public schools, decreasing the quality of public education and widening the educational inequality between rich and poor students.
School vouchers, tax credits, and scholarship programs disproportionately provide public funding for religious education, breaching our constitutional guarantee that government will not support the establishment of religion. Nearly 70 percent of private schools, which enroll 80 percent of private school students, provide religious education, often compelling students to attend religious services, regardless of their beliefs, and teaching religious doctrine in place of accepted scientific facts. Providing public tax dollars through vouchers, tax credits and scholarships is providing selective support for religious ideologies and practice.
While publicly-funded school vouchers, tax credits, and scholarship programs are promoted as offering parents and students a choice, in reality the choice is made by the private schools. Unlike public schools, private schools are able to discriminate on the basis of income, religion, disabilities, and other characteristics. Voucher schools are not required to accept special needs students.
The Society for Humanistic Judaism has issued a statement opposing public funding of private schools that reads in part:
As Humanistic Jews, we believe that publicly-funded vouchers, or scholarships, or tax credits – while purporting to be about choice – in reality result in the direct government funding of religious education in violation of Establishment Clause principles as embodied by the First Amendment.
The statement concludes:
Accordingly, we, the Society for Humanistic Judaism, oppose all vouchers, scholarships, and tax credits that divert resources from public schools to the benefit of private schools, especially schools that are religious in nature.  Religious education must always remain privately funded so as to protect both religion and our democracy.
The full text of the statement can be found online at
The Society for Humanistic Judaism is the central body for Humanistic Jewish congregations in North America. Embracing a human-centered philosophy of life that combines the celebration of Jewish culture and identity with an adherence to humanistic values and ideas, the Society creates an inclusive, nurturing environment for families with children and empty nesters, pre-schoolers and teens, university students, young adults and seniors, single parents, intermarried families, and the GLBT community. Humanistic Jews believe in the human capacity to create a better world rather than in reliance on a supernatural power or an omniscient deity, seeking solutions to human conflicts that respect the dignity, freedom, and self-esteem of every person. the human capacity to create a better world rather than in reliance on a supernatural power or an omniscient deity, seeking solutions to human conflicts that respect the dignity, freedom, and self-esteem of every person.
This growing movement provides a community for many unaffiliated Jews who identify as cultural, secular, “just Jewish,” “not very religious” or Jewish atheists. Forty-nine percent of the United States' 5.5 million Jews say that their outlook is secular and forty-eight percent do not belong to a synagogue or other Jewish organization, according to the American Jewish Identification Survey undertaken by professional statisticians under the auspices of the Center for Jewish Studies at the City University of New York. The Society helps to organize local congregations and communities, creates and disseminates celebrational and educational materials, provides national programs, including programs for teens and young adults, and serves the needs of individual members who do not live near an existing Humanistic congregation.
For more information, contact the Society for Humanistic Judaism at 248-478-7610,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stand Up For Religious Freedom

Stand Up For Religious Freedom is a brand new coalition, led by the Pro-Life Action League and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society. Together, these organizations have established a nationwide rally to "stop the HHS mandate."

The rallies will be held across the nation on Friday, June 8 at 12 p.m.

This presents an opportunity for the freethought community to "stand up for freedom from religion." The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is asking everyone to help FFRF stand up to Catholic bullies at noon this Friday. Take part in a counterprotest. Chances are the coalition has an event scheduled in your city.

To see where the Catholic Church is holding its phony "religious freedom" pickets, visit the Stand up For Religious Freedom webpage.

Create your own protest sign or print out FFRF's red-white-and-blue slogan. (Click on the image below to view and print a high-resolution file.)

Monday, June 4, 2012

National Defense Authorization Act

The House passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R.  4310) which contained two amendments that claim to protect servicemembers’ and chaplains’ rights of conscience and prohibit the use of military facilities for gay marriages, even if those facilities are located in a state that recognizes gay marriage.

The Senate version of the legislation (S. 2467) was recently reported out of Committee but did not contain similar language. The Secular Coalition for America will be meeting with Senate staff to ensure that such amendments are not considered when the full Senate debates the measure later this spring. Please contact your Senators and urge them to oppose the inclusion of these discriminatory amendments.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Center for Inquiry Invitation to a Potluck in the Central Park

Potluck in the Park

Sunday, June 10th 2012 at 2:00 pm
Sunday, June 10th 2012 at 5:00 pm
Sheep Meadow - Central Park (W67th St entrance)

From the CFI event site,
Come out to the park for some good food and good company. Maybe some frisbee throwing, too. A great opportunity to meet folks of like-minds of all ages in your community. Be sure to bring a sweet or savory dish to share, a drink for yourself, and a blanket to sit on. Kids are welcome! We'll be by the big tree in with northwest corner of Sheep Meadow.